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Benefit of Yogurt To Our Mouth

Posted by admin Monday, August 10, 2009

Temporarily avoid first all peppermint of mint and all product fragrance of mouth. Researcher of Japan express bacterium staying in yogurt can detain growth of bacterium cause of mouth aroma do not be delicate.

In 6 week, 24 volunteer consume 6 ounce of yogurt free of pregnant sugar 2 bacterium, that is thermophilus streptococcus and of lactobacillus bulgaricus. All microbiological expert of Tsurumi University also conduct inspection of aroma trap volunteer before and after. Its result, amount of natural mouth aroma and bacterium of degradation till 50% in them which have been ascertained to be to be hit by halitosis
Consuming yogurt will assist to degrade the amount of bacterium yielded by our tongue, although all researcher not yet so sure how that can happened is, clear of Kenichi Hojo, research chief. One definitive theory : When crowd large group of bacterium have patched in tongue, bacterium " good" in yogurt come and kill bacterium cause of aroma exist in mouth by making it feel is not balmy reside in mouth.



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